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Peer to Peer Resiliency Training

Resilient Minds for Fire Fighters

Resilient Minds has supported hundreds of fire fighters to develop strategies to mitigate and better manage occupational stress resulting in informed and healthier teams.

Innovative and Evidence-Informed – Resilient Minds is a skill and resilience development training course designed by and for fire fighters using the latest literature on resilience, stress and stress-related injuries.

Fire Fighters Train Fire Fighters – Using a peer-to-peer model of instruction, the Resilient Minds curriculum is taught by fire fighters to fire fighters.

Volunteer and Career Fire Fighters – Resilient Minds is the only training program designed to train both career and volunteer fire fighters and consider the differences in experience and resources available to the two groups.

Resilient Minds will increase the ability to:


  • Recognize the effects of psychological stress/trauma in self and peers

  • Communicate with peers who may be struggling

  • Respond promptly, safely and appropriately to distressed citizens

  • Apply personal strategies for managing stress, mitigating trauma and boosting resilience

Train-the-Trainer Courses

January 25 - 27, 2021.


21-hour workshop | Maximum 20 participants

This course prepares and certifies in-house fire fighters to become peer Instructors to deliver the Resilient Minds course to their fire department.

Co-instructed by a certified CMHA and Fire Fighter Instructor Trainer.

May 24 - 26, 2021.


21-hour workshop | Maximum 20 participants

This course prepares and certifies in-house fire fighters to become peer Instructors to deliver the Resilient Minds course to their fire department.

Co-instructed by a certified CMHA and Fire Fighter Instructor Trainer.

November 16 - 18, 2021.


21-hour workshop | Maximum 20 participants

This course prepares and certifies in-house fire fighters to become peer Instructors to deliver the Resilient Minds course to their fire department.

Co-instructed by a certified CMHA and Fire Fighter Instructor Trainer.

March 22 - 24, 2021.


21-hour workshop | Maximum 20 participants

This course prepares and certifies in-house fire fighters to become peer Instructors to deliver the Resilient Minds course to their fire department.

Co-instructed by a certified CMHA and Fire Fighter Instructor Trainer.

September 21 - 23, 2021.


21-hour workshop | Maximum 20 participants

This course prepares and certifies in-house fire fighters to become peer Instructors to deliver the Resilient Minds course to their fire department.

Co-instructed by a certified CMHA and Fire Fighter Instructor Trainer.

Dates: (Coming Soon)

Resilient Minds Course.

8-hour course | Maximum 12 participants

A Fire Fighter Peer Instructor or Instructor Trainer provided through CMHA delivers the course to your fire department.

Coming Soon

Reported Impact on our Fire Fighters;

Participants who have completed the program reported:

  • 100% gained applicable and new knowledge on psychological trauma and psychological disorder.

  • 100% learned to better manage stress and increase personal resilience.

  • 97% felt better equipped to respond and support a colleague showing signs of a psychological distress or illness.

  • 96% were more prepared to respond to a member of the public who may be struggling with a psychological health issues.

  • 70% used the skills they learned in Resilient Minds in their work and personal life after the course.

The evaluation of the Resilient Minds program has been managed by independent research teams.

For more information contact us

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